A pine cone. Not an ordinary pine cone, mind you. But a very very special cone, in fact, it rather had a strange look, the look of the magic peach seeds that James and the Giant Peach planted that grew that fabulous peach.

Taking no regard for the neigh sayers (pictured on the left) and happening to have a James on hand(critical to success).

James and I picked out a spot, not to far from the house. We marked our spot with a big X. (X marks the spot you know) Then we carefully positioned and planted our cone/seed and left for Walmart. (Now going to Walmart is not critical to the success of planting magic seeds, but that's where we went all the same.)
And Lo and behold on our return, what should we find, but our very own tree. James' eyes widened in wonder and amazement at the sight of it. (They really did)

We bequeathed it the name James' Tree in his honor.
*** Disclaimer: Yes, I know the cone looks more like a corn cob, (I said it was strange looking) besides it was magic, and who knows (besides me and James) what a MAGIC pine cone looks like anyway.
Wow! I need to find a magic pine cone. What a fun memory to have with James.
Wow, do you have any more magical pine cones? You are so funny, Jilly. I love your new tree, it'sooooo big!
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