I thought I'd get Barry one of these.
I despise his beard, and this should take care of the whole "the beard keeps my face warm out in the cold" excuse.
Just Brilliant, I know.
Another Brilliant idea is these

Every year on my birthday in elementary school I would give out candy canes instead of the traditional cupcakes. To carry on this tradition I decided to give my YW candy canes after my lesson on Sunday.
I bought two boxes on Saturday to share, unfortunately I opened them before giving them away. Oh yummy in my tummy. I decided not to give them out after all, and was enjoying munching several of them, when Barry reminded me who I had actually gotten them for. Grumbling, I decided to give away the last 6 Starburst Strawberry Canes, and keep the whole package of Spree Candy Canes to myself. My are they tasty.
Mmmm... Buy Them, Try Them. Yum!
I bought them I tried them, Yum!
Landon and I just saw those candy canes a few days ago and really wanted to try them. Landon LOVES spree candies. We will have to get a pack. Where did you find that hat/beard combo. I want to get one for my brother in law and father inlaw. :)
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