Yesterday, I was so hungry, I cried. Yep, big crocodile tears.
This nursing makes a person real hungry
I made a huge batch of oatmeal raisin cookies a couple days ago to combat the problem. Something easy, something quick I could just grab and snack on. They worked beautifully, Problem was, I ate them all day and Lauren screamed for 4 hours straight that night with a bad belly ache.
No more oatmeal. I sadly gave away all the cookies to the neighbors, so not to be tempted
I just need to go shopping really, but I haven't had the energy to walk down all those aisle and push that heavy shopping cart around...."
yawn" it makes me tired just thinking about it.
So I called Barry and told him to bring me home dinner, that I didn't care what it was ...greasy chicken, dry sandwiches, pizza ...just food. Then he reminded me I had taken his debit card away, and he had no money, so he couldn't possibly...
.I hung up.Then I was just plain mad. Mad at Barry, mad at myself, mad at the world. I'd show him ...
First, I thought about ordering a pizza to deliver, but I seriously doubted they would deliver where I live. Besides, I didn't have any cash for a tip, can you order a pizza without cash???
Second, I decided to make something fattening to be mean, because Barry's on a diet.
So I made some fudge. (Yes we have those supplies) Lots of nuts, he likes nuts
I couldn't really eat any because chocolate bothers Lauren, ....and marinara sauce, and oranges, and applesauce and broccoli and green peppers, and salsa .... and the list goes on
After eating two large pieces of fudge and licking the pan, I decided my plan was backfiring, so I dished up the rest of the fudge on plates to give away to the neighbors.
Then I made peanut butter cookies. I don't really like them, but I thought Barry might be tempted. After eating 4 cookies myself, I decide to add them to the neighbor plates.
By the time Barry came home our island was covered with plates with treats loaded for the neighbors. "What's all this??" Barry asked peeping under the tin foil.
"I was hungry," I said ..."They're for the neighbors"Then I cried the big crocodile tearsThat's when Barry gave me a hug, a pat on the back, and promised to go shopping for me the next day with a debit card, a list and without complaint.
Smiling through my tears, I offered him some fudge.
Today, I'm making the list.Problem is, all I can think to put on it is chips.
Mmm CHIPS. Crunchy greasy salty goodness.I just don't know if the memory of my crocodile tears will be enough to persuade Barry to buy chips, promise or no promise. I better add some vegetables to the list.
Stay tuned for the results and for
Real Life Excerpt #2(
Is She A Good Baby??)