Well actually about 2000 of them ....in our yard.
FYI if you want to know how many sheep there are in a flock, count the black ones, shepherds usually put one black one in for every 100 white sheep.
P.S They're actually pregnant ewes. but's Barry's Lambs sounds better.

After a very long night.
Just in case you missed her .....

Lauren sunbathing for her jaundice
Lindsay is my friend. We are both in Young Womens together. I also used to visit and teach her. So we spend quite a bit of time together.
Ellie helps me make her cookies and other treats. Ellie writes her notes of thank yous and draws pictures for me to give her. Lindsay works at a Salon. She gave me a pedicure right before I had Lauren. Ellie was real excited about this, and liked my pretty toes that Lindsay had painted.
On Saturday, Lindsay was suppose to bring us dinner. She was a bit late, 7:30. We wondered if she was really coming, Ellie had been waiting all day ....for her Lasanga and to see Lindsay. She wrote her a note and was very excited to give it to her personally ... to thank her.
Then we get a knock on the door, I told Ellie "It's her."
It wasn't, it was her husband Steve.
He had brought the dinner over.
I told Ellie to give him the note she wrote, Ellie was a bit shy, but gave him the note, and he left with a smile and a bag of cookies.
As I was setting the table for dinner, I looked over at Ellie, she had a bewildered expression on her face, I asked her what was wrong. Then she said very quietly. "That was Lindsay???"
I had to chuckle to myself about all the thoughts that must have been going through Ellie's head.
It hadn't occurred to me that Ellie hadn't ever actually met Lindsay.
I explained... and we had a good laugh together.
I guess she didn't like the thought of that man rubbing my feet and painting my toe nails, while looking at the pretty pictures Ellie had drawn.
LOL!! Aww thanks for posting Lauren pictures, wish you would come down soon so I can hold her for another day.
That is so funny. I can't stop laughing about it.
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