A girl in my ward made me a beautiful quilt for Lauren. I was very surprised to receive it, but I love it.
James has been doing very well with the baby, he gives her kisses and so far is very gentle. He spent some Daddy time with Barry yesterday, feeding the animals, chopping wood and playing in the snow. He also discovered a large icicle, which he was very hesitant to give up when the time came.

I was going to help Natalie sew a little bag for part of her Christmas present. So on weds we went to the store and picked out a pattern and some fabric. We also found a pattern for a cute dog sweater, so we got that too. Natalie has a cute little dog at home that she loves. Unfortunately, we ended up at the hospital that night, and I didn't end up being able to help Natalie. Fortunately, Barry stepped up and helped Natalie sew a cute little dog sweater. I think it turned out very well and they enjoyed making it together.
BABY!!! and JAMES!! Pure cuteness duo! She is so adorable! If James ever needs some extra spoiling/attention come visit and we'll make sure he remembers he's still a baby to us!
Jill, she is GORGEOUS! Congrats!! I was so excited to get a blog invite! Maybe one of these days I will update mine. Hope you are feeling good!
She looks so much older than she is with all that hair! I love it. Hey, my mom wants to see your blog. I couldn't remember if you were private or not, but if you are here is her e-mail. s.peck@air2data.com
What a darling little girl. Congratulations to the Pate family!
She is simply adorable. And so is James. May you feel well, and sleep, and be able to enjoy all that adorableness!
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