I just like how his little ears curl forward.
a funny moment
The other night, Barry had the worst breath, I mean it was horrible, horrible, horrible.
I tried to tell him, but he just disregarded me saying he already brushed his teeth.
The baby was having a rough night, so Barry decided to bunk with James, I was secretly very pleased by this.
The next morning at breakfast Barry said
"James kept doing the strangest thing last night, I keep waking up because I couldn't breath. I would wake up and James' pillow would covering my head, or he would be leaning over me putting his hand over my mouth. Why would he do that?"
I could only giggle and feel a little guilty for poor James because I knew exactly why.

Hilarious story. :) Similar things have happened around my hosue... I can't believe how big James is looking. I know that he and Collin are the same age but man why do they have to grow up so fast.
Does Barry read your blog posts
he doesn't even have an invite.
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