First, and and in my view most important. A piano!!!! Yeah! My very own piano. Sorry, you can see it very well, Ellie was making very strange faces in all the other takes.

The geese, okay so they're not new, but last time you saw them they were babies, and now they are so big, besides they wouldn't move so I could take a pictures of the real new arrivals the.....

Sheep. Yep Sheep! Because no small farm is complete without Navajo Churro Sheep. 2 Female and 1 Male, who still remain nameless, but I'm thinking Curly for the ram.

Ellie and Barry planted Giant Sunflowers this year. They have some recipes for flavoring the seeds, we'll let you know how it turns out.

Ellie has a new pony. Cricket is his name. He's quite friendly, and even let me ride him, he also has a special talents ....see below...

Cricket loves to pull a cart. He's getting a nicer cart, it's just not here yet, for now this one works, and Ellie loves it. They ride around and around the yard. This picture is from out from front window. (Sorry the pictures aren't too good this time, I was having trouble getting any good ones)

and last but not least. Fluffy. Fluffy is adorable. He really is, and rather sweet, and friendly I've quite taken to him, he's cage is currently right outside my kitchen door, so it's easy access to give him veggie scraps.
What a fun assortment of animals! The pony and cart are fantastic. And the piano is beautiful!
Hey, why doesn't anyone post comments? Hmm. Anyway, you've got a lot of cool new stuff. I'll have to come check it out.
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