I've decided pregnancy is all about being irrational.
My motto has become, "It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to agree with my tummy"
Okay I admit it, I was suppose to do my monthly grocery shopping on the 25th of July, I am still yet to complete it. Here's the problem, FOOD.
Lately the scene in our house has played out at the dinner hour.
Barry: Hi honey, what's for dinner? I'm starved.
Jill: Hawaiian Chicken
Barry: Mmmm that's sounds great .............. ................uhh where is it???
Jill(with disgust): Oh. I didn't make it
Barry: What!?!
Jill(with a frown): We'll we didn't have any brown rice.
Barry(Hands on his hips): We'll we have 100's of pounds of white rice.
Jill(gulping and wrinkling her nose): Yeah, but doesn't the thought of eating that sticky, starchy, smelly white rice make your stomach churn?
Barry: No!
Jill: Oh.
Barry (exasperated, gazing into an empty fridge): We'll what am I suppose to eat?!?
Jill(walking out of the kitchen): Ellie's having a tortilla smeared with peanut butter, maybe you could try that ....just don't let me smell it.
Normally I'm a whole grains, fruits and veggies kind of girl.
Lately I've been Fats and Oils, Fast food, Deep, Fat, Fried kind of girl. Say it with me, Deep! Fat! Fried!
I've had this intense craving for Chinese food. In fact I bought myself a package of frozen egg rolls, just to satisfy this craving, and my are they nasty...tasty ..nasty.
Most days for lunch I heat up the oven(and the house) to 400 degrees. Then I peak in the oven and watch my single little delicious package of processed carrots, cabbage and white mystery meat saturated with oil and MSG come to it's hot crunchy goodness. Barry is bewildered by this. How can you eat THAT, he asks with disgust? "I don't know" comes my simple reply as I take another crunchy bite with a smile but equal disgust, "but I can!"
Cream cheese has also been in my dreams.
My lovely mother brought me up a half dozen packages of cream cheese to add to my stash when she last came to visit.
Our family has been enjoying cheese ball after cheeseball. Too many cheeseballs
After three in a row, and the heart burn starting to get to me. I knew something must be done.
SO with my last 5 cream cheeses I decided to make my first New York Style cheese cake. My favorite dessert in the whole world.
After a half an hour prep time, 70 minutes of baking on a hot summer day, then 45 minutes more for the topping to cook, then a hour of letting the cake sit in the cooling oven, it was ready to be removed.
It was truly beautiful, a work of art.
I blended and strained raspberries for a sauce. Then after refrigeration for 12 more hours, the cake was ready to eat.
I sliced my piece, drizzled raspberry sauce on it and took a bite.
Mmmmmmmmmmm decadent goodness...Mmmmmmmmm ........Ewwwww..mushy... tangy smelly cheesy..........ewwwwww. I don't want this.
I handed my piece to Ellie.
She takes a bite, "Mmmmm this is a good cheeseball cake Mom."
Anybody know a good recipe for egg roll dipping sauce?
(Authors side note) After three days of watching my family enjoy my hard work, I once again tried the cheesecake and surprisingly found it quite to my liking. IN fact I ate a big piece for Pre-Breakfast(a necessity when your preggers), Breakfast, and then another piece for Lunch.
Around Dinner time with a belly ache that could kill a horse, I decided I wouldn't eat Cheese Cake again for a very very long time.
1 comment:
Funny! For a recipe I would just try goggling it, me and Mo can across a plethora of yummy recipes while trying to make deviled eggs. When you come down to B.C you should go to Beijing and get 10 ragoons for 3.00, fried cream-cheese delicious!
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