Barry going back to work has probably been the hardest on James. He really misses his Daddy. They are best pals. They feed the animals together, go jogging, irrigate the lawn, weed the garden, mow the law, drive the tractor, take trips to the hardware store, fix things, build things ...etc
This past week James has wandered around the house. Saying Dad, Dad!. He goes to the top of the stairs and yells Daddy! and looks and waits for him to come up. He also spends a lot of time in the window watching for Dad. I took this picture at 6:00 in the morning after Barry had left, James was already on the look out for him to come back.
Because of James' sadness we call Barry's office phone several times during the day and listen to his answering machine. I try to hang up before it beeps, but James is often leaving his dad messages, "HI!, Hi Dad!, Hi!, Dad Dad! Daddddddddy!." Fortunately Barry usually doesn't get to upset about getting messages from his boy.
We're so glad when Barry finally comes home each day, James runs to him with a grin and gives him huge hugs and kisses.
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