Each train is special, each train is unique. James will spend several minutes building a train. Designing the different cars, hooking it all together, and lastly hunting down a couple passengers for the train. I don't recall anyone every showing James how to make a train, or even showing him what a train was. But as he drags his creations around the house with his sweet unmistakable "choo choo" there is no question, James knows what a train is.
Last week, James was playing blocks in his room as I went downstairs to take the bread out of the oven, ...then I heard James scream.
I knew it wasn't a scream of pain, or even fear, it was a "help me" scream.
I hurried back up the stairs, as I neared the top, I spied my little James, who has drove his train over to the landing at the top of the stairs. I also noticed he had loaded, and I mean loaded this train with people, he had found every block person we have and put them on every available space on the train.
This was definitely a passenger train, and this train was definitely in trouble...
As I watched he was gleefully driving his train off the top stair and mock screaming for the people, as the train dangled there helplessly. Then he would pull the train back up and drive around a bit, before sending them off the stairs again.
Sometimes I wonder what is swirling through my clever boy's head. He's so delighted with mischief.

As recently as an hour ago I was regretting buying the duplo cars and duplo people off of Ebay. Wow! It is gratifying to see that James is making such good use of them.:) I guess it wasn't such a rotten waste of my time after all. He is brilliant and adorable!
every time i see pictures of him I think, "he can't really that big!" I remember meeting you in the mothers lounge at church and he was just 4 months old. man, time has flown.
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