Monday, November 29, 2010

Bonus Post

I know, I know, two posts in two days.

What more could you want?

Christmas music????

We'll I updated my blog music too. (Sorry Amy, it does play automatically, I'll change that after while.)

Yesterday, as I mentioned, church got canceled because of terrible weather conditions. I on the other hand would have canceled it anyway, because I spent the day on the couch with terrible terrible cramps and back pain. I finally asked Barry for a Priesthood blessing, because I feared I was going into labor. I was blessed that our baby was very healthy and strong and would be delivered at the proper time. The cramping didn't go away, but I felt much comforted as the spirit whispered in my ear something that should have but had not occurred to me. Today looking at my ripe belly, it definitely has changed shape, and I can (deep breaththhhhhhhhhhhhh) breath again. All is well, Little Baby Pate has dropped, and she is right on schedule for making her New Year's Eve appearance.


Amara Graves said...

So EXCITED for the baby!!

R. Marie Stewart said...

What's with Amy, I love the music, and I didn't know Bubla could sing Christmas. Please tell Little Baby Pate that she should avoid Cary's birthday. It's been good for him, but we are a teeny bit busy that day........btw, got any big plans for your birthday?

Palmer Family said...

How exciting! I hope that everything stays on track and everything goes well! Can't wait to finally meet Little Baby Pate. :)