So I've been delaying my post, so I could show off my birthday present. Unfortunately it didn't arrive in the mail today as anticipated. So I'm gravely disappointed and had to eat a handful of chocolate chips to console myself.
After Halloween I told Barry I wasn't making any desserts until after Thanksgiving. After gaining 10 pounds in about 3 weeks, I knew I needed to cut back on the goodies.
This, not dessert making, has been extremely hard on me, but more so on Barry. He doesn't have access to the hidden Halloween candy, or my stash of chocolate chips and marshmallows. He's actually threatened to make a dessert himself and not give me any, but I am holding strong. I am determined, I am resolute.
Today, I got out the ingredients to make white chocolate pecan cookies (oh drool), but I put them away before I started. Barry says I'm just going to have to make up for lost time after Thanksgiving with extra goodies, but I think I can overcome.
I will admit I went to a party for someone I never even talk to just to get a measly piece of cake and scoop of ice cream. I also went to enrichment for the 3rd time in oh so many years in hope of refreshments. I stayed until almost 9, with no refreshments in site, I finally left.
On the upside, at enrichment I did learn how to sew a baby blanked with mitered corners. Thus leading me to my birthday present. My very own sewing machine
Her she is.

I've put off buying one before, because I don't have a good space to keep it, and well, I don't really know how to sew, besides the basics. Yet, my faith in my basic skills were renewed at enrichment and I found sewing the blanket very easy and satisfying and the end results good. So my intense craving for sugar has lead to possibly a new hobby and years of joy and entertainment ;)
Besides Barry will need to use my new machine to sew his "Joseph" costume for the Nativity.
After much encouragement from the high council, He did go to the practice on Sunday, but Mary was not there, so they didn't practice lines and her identity still remains a mystery.
The stake president's wife DID tell him that he looks exactly like Joseph. She must be older than I thought.
The stake nativity is on Sunday December 12th. I may be singing in the choir.
Further details to come.
Wonderful birthday present Jillo! I hope you two will have many happy years together.
That's what Kelli got for her birthday, I feel pressured to join the club. :P .Post what you make on the blog so we can all admire it!
Having a sewing machine is so much fun! Congrats! I wish that I had your drive to stay off the treats. :)
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